Friday, October 22, 2010

The Sacred Valley: Without a Home, Without Food, Without a Voice

The Sacred Valley: Without a Home, Without Food, Without a Voice

I can write about the statistics. Those that say 80% of the houses in the Province of Urubamba were destroyed, but one can learn the numbers easily. I can explain what is happening with the 1500 tourists in Machu Picchu, their evacuation, but the news is already saturated with that story. What is missing, and what is most important, is the voice of the affected Peruvians. What are they doing? What do they need? What happened?
Through my work in community development with the civil association, I have had the opportunity to speak with many people in the Sacred Valley and their stories are always similar. At about two in the morning, the river reached and entered their houses. They rushed to grab their children and, if they were lucky, a few small items that they could carry. They had to flee from the water, leaving their homes, farmlands, and all their possessions. Still, days later, they tell it with a sense of disbelief in their eyes. They are left with nothing, and the story doesn’t end there.

As the water recedes, a new flood of debris, mud, and dark blue Civil Defense tents appears. Plazas, fields, and other open spaces fill with people looking for food, water, clothes, and a place to sleep. Others, with better luck or more resources, work with their local municipalities or as independent volunteers to help with the distribution of alimentation and clothing, the salvage of building materials from what were once houses, or with the coordination of aid. The central government has almost no presence. Up to the 29th of January, it was busy sending helicopters for the tourists in Machu Picchu while their citizens, those who already were living in poverty, fight to reconstruct all that they have lost. The same can be said for the international news. But still, there is hope.

In spite of all that has happened- the flood, destruction, loss- the people of the Sacred Valley remain strong, ready to help and move forward. It is this same strength that allowed the spirit of the Incas to survive here, in the sierra. The ferocity of the conquistadores, the racism, oppression, terrorism, and even the influence of other countries could not erase the culture of the people. Here it remains. Their dress, music, language, and dances still exist. Without food, security, housing, one can still see people working together, sometimes laughing- surviving. This is to have hope. All they need is some help.

If you are able to help in any way, please contact me, Diva Tyler through email, at

New Flooding, Old Story: Loss, Destruction and Lack of Assistance in Taray

By Ian McGroarty
The news if full of stories of disaster: the earthquake in Haiti, the stronger earthquake in Chile, the following tsunamis, etc. But almost no one mentions what is happening right here in Peru. Almost no one is talking about the thousands of people in the Sacred Valley still living in tents from the floods at the end of January, and the hundreds more joining them from the floods of March. They do not receive any recognition- not even from their own country.

On March 1st, Taray, a small district of Calca, was overrun with water from the Quesermayo River killing seven and destroying eighty percent of the town. The next day more than a meter of mud filled the plaza. Roads looked more like rivers as the water continued to flow through the town. Houses were reduced to piles of wood and mud. People worked to salvage what they could from the pools of water where their houses once stood. Others stood in line for bales of hay in an attempt to create solid ground.

Through working in community development, and most recently in disaster relief with the civil association Nexos Voluntarios, I have seen similar situations throughout the Sacred Valley over a little more than the last month; destruction, loss, and displacement on such a scale that almost everyone surveys the scene with disbelief. However, this last visit to Taray struck me as the worst. There was worse damage, more loss of life, and less assistance. But what is the most troubling, is that more than a month has passed since the first flood. Why are there still people without help? The flooding is no longer without warning. It already happened. Yet awareness and assistance from the majority of the country is nonexistent.

The Civil Defense provided half of the tents necessary to shelter the damnificados of Taray and nothing more. One hundred families who had already lost everything had to sleep through the cold Andean nights without even a blanket. The next day the town of Pisac was flooded, killing more and leaving many without even the most basic necessities.

Towns affected by the initial wave of flooding, which began January 24th, are still searching for resources to rebuild. The damnificados in towns such as Yucay, Calca, and Qoya still live in tents in crowded temporary camps. Doctors fear disease outbreaks. Municipalities and local organizations fear food shortages. Everyone fears more rain.

Thanks to private donations and coordination efforts by local municipalities, most of those affected by the floods have food, clothing, water, and some form of shelter. But resources are scarce, and there are still many without assistance and many more lacking basics such as blankets. It has been over a month since the first flood. The question the people of Peru need to ask is “Why?” Why is the central government not helping? Why is there no national outrage?

With so much time having passed since the initial flooding, we can no longer say it is only the fault of the government. The lack of awareness is everyone’s fault. It is obvious that the government will not independently offer assistance, so it is now the people’s turn to demand it.

If you are able to help in any way, please contact me, Diva Tyler through email, at

Flood Report: The Sacred Valley


On the morning of January 25, 2010, due to unprecedented heavy rainfall, rivers and lakes of the Sacred Valley began to overflow and flood nearby towns. By January 26, the Federal government, with Supreme Decree Nº 015-2010-PCM, had declared a state of emergency in the provinces of Calca, Quispicanchis, Cusco, Urubamba, La Convención, Anta, Canas, Canchis, Paucartambo, Acomayo and Paruro in the department of Cusco, as well as in the entire department of Apurímac, for a duration of 60 days.

80 percent of the homes in the Sacred Valley have been destroyed. Many victims affected by the flooding are still living in tents beside the rubble of their homes, in the local school, or in parks. The only remaining connection to Cusco is the bridge in Urubamba. Since the major, original flooding, there has been accumulative damage on a daily basis due to continued flooding and landslides.

Despite lack of support from the Federal government, local Municipal governments and other organizations are doing what they can to alleviate the situation of the vicitms and coordinate assistance efforts, but the existing resources are not sufficient to address the entire problem.


The following towns are only a sample of those affected by the flooding.

Calca Qoya Huallabamba Pisac Taray
Number of Victims Families: 206
People: 915

Dead: 20

Orphaned: 8
175 people Families: 88
People: 540

Wounded: 2
Adults: 809
Children: 672

Dead: 9

Orphaned: 25
Families: 225
People: 733

Dead: 7

Where the victims are living With another family, or in tents in the public park With another family, or in tents throughout the town. 50% in tents in the local market, 50% with another family In tents at the market or around town, or with another family In tents in the grade school Taray or with another family
What the vicitims need most Housing, food, school supplies Construction materials, crops, school supplies Construction materials Food, blankets, children’s clothing Food
What the Municipalities need Machinery to clean up rubble and debris and fix the streets Transportati-on to assist victims who live in more remote regions Food Doctors Transportati-on to assist victims who live in more remote regions
Governement assistance received by the affected towns Federal government: Nothing
Regional governementFood

Civil Defense Brigade (CDB): 100 tents
Federal governmentNothing
Regional government



Food and tents
Federal government: Nothing
Regional government: 200 gallons of fuel

CDB: Tents, blankets, clothing, food
Federal government:

Regional goverment:


CDB: tents, blankets, mattresses
Federal government Nothing
Regional government


CDB: Tents, blankets, mattresses

What the Municipalities are doing Preventative campaigns and natural disaster education Support for agricultural activities; crops and livestock Support in the form of food and clothing Preventative campaigns, maps of danger zones Coordination of support with Calca and Pisac
Most urgent concerns The health of the flood victims Continued flooding and the isolation of communities Health of the vicitms, lack of food, lack of monetary resources Lack of preventative measures Lack of food, the health of the victims
Destruction and deterioration of farms, 100 collapsed houses and 105 uninhabitable houses, 1 collapsed bridge, 1 destroyed school 71 destroyed houses, 744 destroyed crop fields, 1 collapsed bridge, streets affected 1 school affected, streets affected, 43 houses destroyed and 35 affected, crops destroyed 30 highways destroyed, 2 highways affected, 1 motor vehicle bridge affected, 20 pedestrian bridges affected, 1 collapsed school, 29 collapsed homes, 89 uninhabitable homes, 264 affected homes, 30% of the water system affected, sewage system destroyed, crops destoryed and livestock lost 124 collapsed homes, 101 uninhabitable homes, 219 affected homes, 2 affected schools, 1 affected health center, 5 pedestrian bridges destroyed, 3 motor vehicle bridges destroyed, 5 rural passes destroyed, 41 roads affected, 20% of the water and sewage system affected, crops and livestock lost
Source of information COE1 Asistente Tecnico
Municipality of Qoya Municipality of Huallabamba C.O.E.P. Pisac2 Municipality of Wayna Taray


•Reconstruction of housing in safe locations: Many flood victims are still living in poor quality tents that leak rain and don’t allow the inhabitants to protect themselves from the cold at night. To avoid the repetition of this type of damage in future years, it is necessary to rebuild homes in safe areas.
•Public infrastructure: There has been severe damage to public infrastructure in the affected towns, but a lack of economic and physical resources (such as machinery) inhibit the reparation of these damages. Streets, schools, bridges, health centers, water and sewage systems, and telephone, radio and internet services have been affected.
•Rubble and debris clean-up: The majority of the homes destroyed were made of adobe, and have been transformed into piles of mud, wood, and roofs. Abandonded goods have also created large quantities of garbage in the affected towns.
•Disease prevention and health campaigns: In towns like Urubamba and Yucay, more than 100 victims are living in tents in temporary campsites, without sufficient space and hygiene facilities. For this reason, doctors fear outbreaks of disease.
•Central coordination: There are numerous private organizations helping the affected towns, along with the Municipalities of the different regions. However, there is no common effort and no common information center to coordinate assistance, and as a result the aid of Municipalities and other organizations is uneven distributed. A strong central entity is needed to coordinate among all the Municipalities, and organizations.
•Food and clean water: Though victims displaced from their homes now have food, the populations in communities where it is difficult to access the Municipality, either because of the destruction of rural roads or because of distance, have difficulty accessing clean water. Communties not reached by private donations have even greater difficulties. Many affected zones have lost at least part of their water system; in Taray, for example, 80% of their clean water comes from private donations.
•Clothing: The victims had to flee their homes with only the clothes on their backs. There are still communities in which people do not have enough clothing, sometimes for a particular age or sex (for example, there is generally enough clothing for women, but there is a huge lack of children’s clothing).
•School supplies: Due to damages to schools and homes, many students do not have school supplies or the resources to buy them.
•Machinery: Machinery is very useful, not only in cleaning up affected towns and fixing infastructure, but also in preventing future disasters of this measure. Qoya is a perfect example; a year before the flooding, Qoya purchased a excavating backhoe, and they used it during the flooding to maintain the towns infrastructure and build blockade walls to stop the water. Qoya has only 175 vicitms, while the other towns mentioned have between 500 and 1000 victims.


Though each affected town is different, their needs are generally the same. Private donations provide support in the form of food, clothing, and school supplies. However, support from the Federal government is necessary to carry out reconstruction initiatives in terms of both coordination, machinery, etc. As shown by statistics, much assistance is still needed, especially in the long term. Municipal governments and other organizations do not have the ability to rebuild when it comes to public services and infrastructure, and they therefore require the assistance of the Federal government or international organizations.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Wall Of Dreams has been completed. Yay!!

The final finishing touches on the "Wall of Dreams" have all been completed. The wall of dreams represents the collaborative efforts of the children of Mosoq Runa and symbolizes the importance of working together to make our dreams a reality and the importance of never giving up on those dreams. I am so proud of them all for keeping their commitment until it was all done, even months after I'd already returned to the states.

"El secreto a hacer sus sueños viene verdad nunca está dando para arriba en ellos"

Friday, February 19, 2010

Visiting Amaru Muru

Doorway to The Universe


As we each move through our individual lives on this planet, we come in contact with seemingly innocence trivia, that later we often reflect upon as being something that changed our life in one way or another. Also, some of us often think of God, The Creator (or whatever name we choose) as distant from us, unable for us to actually see Him, except we are told He is always with us. "They" must mean around us, within us, or something like that. These are my words - you the viewer probably have your own words and thoughts.
We have run onto something that we think our viewers might consider interesting. So, here it is. You make your own judgments and thoughts. But, we feel it is acccurate, correct and if we were to take the same trip, (we would love to!) we probably would have similar feelings and thoughts - the only difference perhaps would be the visions we would see may be different due to our background and experiences. But then, we are each different (thank God) and that is the way it is. These experiences are of Jerry Wills, whose web site you can go to later. Obviously it is impossible to show a picture of the entire universe(s) on this tiny page. To us this shows how small we all are - but an important part of the whole!


The Doorway of Aramu Muru, located within the Hayu Marca mountain region of southern Peru and about 35 Km from Puno, has long been revered by local Indians as the "Place of the Gods". This area has not been fully explored due to the rugged mountain terrain. Many of the rock formations found here resemble artificial structures. Jerry: "My experience here has been fantastic! I believe I have actually been through the doorway, traveling into another dimension past the universe." On November 11th, 1998 at about 10 pm Kathy Wills and others in attendance witnessed Jerry Wills vanish for a short time. Upon his return, Jerry described his experience as a voyage beyond time and space and past the known universe to a place where the universe is kept in balance by a supreme presence. Although it is impossible to validate what happened when Jerry vanished, it is certain that he was gone for a short time. See below for Jerry's experience.
The Aramu Muru Doorway
The doorway is indeed located where the story indicates. And while this is a remote region, it is not so remote that people don't live nearby. Reading the story you are led to believe the location is quite well hidden. This is not entirely true. It is only a short walk from the highway that continues on to the Peru - Bolivia border. Those living nearby farm the fields right in front of the doorway and throughout the area. They in the area are a closed group that do not welcome outsiders and keep to themselves, never giving the (now) frequent visitors any trouble. They simply watch as you explore the surrounding area and examine the cliff face where the door is located. They have known of this place for a very long time.
The doorway isn't large as one can see by the picture. It is actually shorter (yet wider) than most common doorways you find in any western home. It is unusual, though. Those who live in this area do not go there after dark. Following is Jerry's story:
Closer picture of doorway

There have been those who have witnessed powerful events here - unexplainable events that have frightened them. For example, tall men, sometimes preceded by or accompanied by glowing blue or orange balls of light, have been seen walking through or appearing near the doorway (glowing ). These have been seen continuing on to the shore of Lake Titicaca or some other undisclosed location. On other occasions, figures have been seen to return to the doorway and silently vanish. For those who live here, there is no question who these visitors are. Legends tell them clearly it is the return of ancient gods.
Examining the doorway and the outcropping of rock it is placed upon reveals nothing more than the obvious. This unusual rock outcropping is roughly 60' thick, jutting upward like the fin on a fish, to a height of about 40.' A portion of the "cliff wall" has been prepared to a smooth surface. To the left and right of the doorway there are semi circular indented columns that go almost to the top of the wall. In the middle is the doorway - small in comparison to the wall, yet large enough for a "normal" sized individual to almost stand upright in (I use the term normal here because I am almost 7’ tall). The doorway is indented about 8". The interesting thing about the shape of the doorway is its footer. There are two obvious places that have been smoothed and indented. The spacing is exactly right if you were to kneel before the doorway as if in prayer. At the exact place you would rest your forehead, if you were to lean forward, is a cupped depression. Otherwise, this is solid stone with the doorway exactly oriented and opening to the West.

As stated, it is believed the doorway is a place leading to where the gods reside. Those seen returning are believed to be inspecting their Earthly domain. But, it doesn't stop there. I have been told by several different people these visitors occasionally travel on to Cusco - the center of the Incan empire, and I have been mistakenly thought to be one of them. Like me, they are tall with long light hair and fair skin. While visiting small, remote communities throughout the Andes the result of my arrival is always treated the same - the inhabitants of these communities are shocked and surprised by my arrival, thinking I am the return of Pachacutec or one of the other legendary gods. Their belief is that before the beginning of the ‘next’ world these gods will arrive to inform them of the impending destruction and world wide change. Once the people of the kingdom are informed and prepared, these gods will (at the appointed time) take them to safety. According to the ancient time table, that time is imminent - every village I have visited is waiting for the return. UFO reports and sightings where personal contact has been established are numerous and frequent. There is a connection between these sightings and the witnessed gods. Both entities look the same in the way they are dressed and their actions while visiting, with one exception. Those coming from the UFOs are seen more frequently and their message is more deliberate. My (Jerry Wills) experience with this doorway have been kept personal up to now. I believe it might be a good idea to relate my experiences briefly. My reasoning is basically this, because of what I have personally witnessed, I know there are events in our near future that will soon cause a substantial change in the world. These changes are important as to how we continue as a race and how we will eventually need to see ourselves in a greater picture during the coming process of our continued evolution. My experiences are not solely related to this mysterious doorway, but also include contact with those others who have arrived in the frequently seen UFOs. Because the subject of this article is the doorway, I only mention the contact experiences as a point of reference. I will relate these other experiences within another article.
I have been through this doorway. And though I do not fully understand the exact nature of how it works, I do understand how it is opened. I cannot say how it is completely controlled - but I know it can be controlled. I know this because of the individuals met while in Peru that have come through the doorway. Though they have not given up their secrets, they have hinted at the manner through which it is activated. Using this information I recently went through and found myself on the other side. It was nothing I had expected...
It is true this is a portal to another place. After taking the steps necessary for entering (or opening) the doorway, I was seen (by those with present) to fade away until completely gone from sight. There was no glow or other effect witnessed. I had, to them, simply vanished.
What I experienced was quite different, though. After kneeling before the doorway I felt a strange, dizzy feeling. Within a few moments I felt as if I were ‘free falling’ forward. As this occurred I clearly heard the type of sound you might hear as a tire looses pressure. A hissing, whistling sound was around me. It was dark for a moment, then as I regained my composure I could see stars, galaxies slowly rotating, brilliant gas clouds and the extreme expanse of space between these objects. I was moving - at what seemed like a rapid pace - through this scene. The sound continued.
I can't determine the amount of time spent moving through this region. It seemed that time held no place here. Ahead, I could see what appeared to be a large, brilliantly illuminated area. I was heading toward this and although slightly alarmed, could not do anything to change my direction.
There was a passing through this - cloud - into a brightly illuminated, yet otherwise empty space. Then there was no perception of movement... I seemed to have stopped. The sound was the same, although somehow more musical. Almost like the ringing you might hear in your ears as you drop into a light sleep combined with the ‘hissing/buzzing.
Everywhere there was brilliant light. My attention was then drawn "behind" me (there was no sensation of turning around or of direction - therefore, I use the word behind. There is no other way to describe this.) As I gazed "backwards" I saw a wondrous sight. Floating before me was a darker mass, slowly undulating. Visible within it were those stars and other objects I had passed. Beautiful and simple, it was seemingly held by a geometric spider web of light "tubes" containing what appeared to be dark beads moving through them. The movement was quick and orderly. Within moments I became aware of a presence. I have no idea what or who this presence represented- I was only aware of its proximity to me. I could feel it nearby. As I examined this view I clearly saw that the "webbing" was organized. To my surprise I saw the organized mature of the "webbing" was exactly that of sacred geometry. The shapes were separate tetrahedrons organized to completely surround (without touching) what appeared to be the universe. The presence wanted me know the universe was, through all it seeming chaos and order, always in balance. It wanted me to understand what I was witnessing, and instructed that the light tubes carried the essence of creation. That this was always surrounding and nurturing the universe. As I tried to understand the location of where I had traveled from, I considered the microbial size Earth must seemed from this point of observation (although it was not evident where Earth might be found within the mass) - and even smaller, those who live upon it. As I considered the relationships of size I became aware of the quantity of life that resided within this strange mass. I completely understood the fullness of life this universe held.
My mind flashed on my wife, and those others who are important in my life. It was at that thought that I felt the movement begin once more. I reentered the "universe" and once again found myself moving past all I had seen previously. After some time I saw our star and then the Earth. So rapidly I cannot explain, I moved toward the Earth and the doorway where I had started this journey.
I was once again in the doorway. Once I became settled that I had stopped my decent, I found myself looking toward the silhouette of distant mountains and Lake Titicaca. My hands were upon the stone as before -- except to my alarm, I was inside the stone looking outward. My heart raced. As I considered this event I saw myself starting to appear on the other side of the doorway. Without any warning or sensation, I was again outside. I removed my hands from the rock and moved backwards. Sitting on the dusty rock floor in front of the doorway, I gazed upward toward the stars, considering all that had happened.
"I'm back...," I quietly whispered. I felt it a struggle to move or speak. As I moved closer to my wife I heard her quietly sobbing. I moved closer. When asked if she was all right, I was told how she had seen me vanish. One moment I had been there and the next I seemed to fade away. "Where were you?", she asked, "I was afraid you might not come back..." It was clear that she had been frightened by what she had seen. I tried to explain but couldn't relate my experiences to her. I needed time to think. I needed time to understand how to put into words what I had experienced.
I believe this doorway is a transdimensional passage. The knowledge of how it is used is not lost - only hidden, kept from us. And, why not? Are we really prepared to go where this doorway takes us? I agree, there are those who are becoming prepared, through their wisdom and greater understanding of consciousness. However, there are a majority of those who are not in the state of mind that would allow for their passage. If they could go through, what would become of the numerous, inhabited worlds? I do not believe that our world is ready for that expansion without peace first being a standard on our world. As a race we have not gained the insight necessary to go beyond our own shores.
Perhaps this is the reason why the doorway of Aramu Muru is placed away, high and somewhat hidden within the Andes Mountains. To get there one must have reached a special point of understanding. And to use this artifact correctly, one must have wisdom. We arrive at this goal through lifetimes of experience and a desire to see our greater abilities, attempting to not only change ourselves, but to influence others in a passive way through our example.
My hope is that those who travel to this remarkable place will preserve it. It is a fragile piece of our history and an important part of our future. There is another, more powerful doorway called Marca Huasi that I have visited. It too is deep within the Andes Mountains.

Source: Jerry Wills, Great Expeditions

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

My Friend Grit

I arrived at the airport in Cusco for the first time and I was met by a woman, who had a taxi waiting.She was tall,thin and had a natural healthy look,She introduced herself as Grit, of course, John Wayne's old movie"True Grit" came to mind, I remember thinking what a strong name for a female, But she was strong too,she grabbed some seriously heavy luggage pieces, like it was lightweight stuff. I was puckered and tuckered out, the altitude was doing it's thing, So i had no problem letting her. We were headed out of the airport when she graciously offered me coca leaves to help with the effects of the altitude. I had read about the custom and was curious and so I graciously accepted.

I liked Grit immediately, She has this very swank way of being. It's probably the blend of German roots mixed with peruvian vine. She moved from germany to live in Peru for 14 years now. She married a native peruvian Who has career in architecture.
Her interest is dealing in plants, She visits the jungle as often as she needs to locate the plants needed to make botanical skin creams. One of the things that struck me the most about Grit, She has a very refreshing honesty and a sweet sort of boldness, I found her to be quite trustworthy with an air of spirituality.

I recall how she had this knack for making feel as if I could do things I'd always been afraid to do. Such as being always afraid of high places, Grit was actually able to convince me that I could do it, that I could actually climb to the areas and nothing would happen. She would look me straight in my eyes with her hand outstretched to take mine and say with certainty "Nothing will happen" and I believed her.

I've had trust issues for as long as I can remember, But it was something about Grit that made her very comfortable to trust. She arrived promptly at 8:30 every friday morning to pick me up for my cultural activity. We visited Moray, the salt mines, aguas calientes, korikancha,Saqsayhuaman,quengo,Puno,Ollantaytambo, Sulisthani, Amaru Muru, Museo de Inka and more.

She was really a joy to be around. I have to tell you the story about her accompanying me to Puno, I didn't want travel alone to Puno, especially after all the stories I had begun to hear about how dangerous it was for females traveling alone and the crime rate, I was told was very high among the tourist, So I asked Grit to come along with me and she agreed. Well about 4-5 days before the trip
Grit was on her way to the Nevo house for a meeting and she was on the motorcycle with her two kids, when a mototaxi sideswiped her, although the children were ok, she sustained a few bumps and bruises, which included a swollen painful knee. Well I figured all bets were off, and preceded to search for another travel companion. Then I called Grit to check on her and get some flight information, she told me squarely that she was still going, I was both surprised and thrilled. We had the absolute best time,sore knee and all. she was an unstoppable ball of energy! That's the kind of amazing and wonderful person she is. I have come to know and love her as a very close and trusting friend. I will certainly miss her until my return.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Accomplishments utilizing creative Learning strategies

1. Masterfully traversed the language barrier and promoted English awareness by implementing alternative learning strategies; including art education and games.

2. Utilized heritage awareness and cultural pride exercises to create a learning exchange of languages and traditions.

3. Created a jovial and immersive learning environment as an alternative to the existing rote and rigid paradigm of Peruvian public schools.

4. Imbued and earned trust via mutual respect, honesty, acceptance and tolerance.

5. Engendered self-awareness, positivity, expression and love with active lessons in storytelling, listening, games,dance and song. Example, The Hokey Pokey and "El sueño imposible." (The Impossible Dream.)

6. Introduced the value of creative visualization, belief in oneself, and holding onto dreams. Example, the Wall of Dreams project, entitled "Nunca renuncies tus sueños." (Never give up on your dreams.)

7. Negotiated to bring a free Equestrian Therapy program to the children.

8. Encouraged the kids to write a history of their lives from beginning to end, How it has been from their earliest memories and how they see it through to their adult life, using creative visualizations

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Last night in Peru

I´m trying to play catch up,so that I can update you on what has been happening in the last few days. I was safely refuged at a wonderful place called Amaru Hostel 1
at Cuesta San Blas in Cusco. It was very strange, still being in Peru and not having the opportunity to work with the kids, So I decided to create that opportunity by going back into Urubamba to check on Ada and the children. I purchased some food items, which of course included ¨Chocolatey¨ which they love. Most of the kids were not there, But I had a lovely lunch and visit with Ada, We talked awhile about the kids and what had been accomplished by my visit and what we would like to see happen to continue the work that had begun. It is very difficult to have to leave them, after making such progress in our trust and communication process. But I had given them one final assignment and that was to write their autobiography of how life has been for them so far and what they would like to see happen in their future. This was mainly for the adolescence, since they are the ones nearest to reaching certain crosswords in their lives. I gathered the books and have set an intention to translate it for my understanding then I will compile it into chapbooks for their benefit, So that they will have physical evidence of their dreams, helping to keep them fresh in their heads and hopely in the forefront of their minds enabling them to hold on to them ever more tightly and Nunca renuncies tus sueño!!
Because one thing I know for certain is dreams do come true, I´m living proof, because I just lived one of mine, the first step is having one, the second, is believing in it with all of your being, the next is never giving up on it.

It´s hard to believe that I´m leaving this place that has come to feel more like home than home. But I too will hold tightly to my dreams of returning and continuing to be a light that helps to shine their way onward and upward to the place where all dreams become reality. Tonight is a starless night here in Lima and it feels a bit lonely like being in between two very different worlds, but the memories of the magically wonderful times with the kids at Mosoq Runa will always shine bright in my heart. Now I´m pumped up with a new excitement, in less than 24 hours I will be staring in the eyes of the two brightest stars in my life, My daughter, Toria and My grandson, Julian Amari and his YaYa can´t wait, because it is all love and that's all that truly matters in this world
Chao for now!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Cusco is declared a zone of emergency

I was evacuated to Cusco on monday for fear of the main bridge collapsing as the others had, leaving no way out of Urubamba. Well I must tell you I made my way back to Urubamba on tuesday to gather the rest of my belongings as well as check on Ada and the children of Mosoq Runa(I couldnt leave without making sure they were alright) there were lots of tears and goodbye kisses. I told them that I didn't know how but sometime before the year was over, I would find a way to come back so we can complete the work we had begun. they all shouted with Joy at that point. I left them with more learning gifts and then headed back to Cusco early wednesday morning to take refuge until my flight from cusco to lima on monday morning. If all goes well(which I am sure it will) I will be back in the states by tuesday. Send us all your positive energy and prayers, more especially for the children and all of Peru.
Your donations are needed now more than ever, Please click the link "Donate" on the right of this page to send in your donation of $10 or more if you are able. Think how many times you've spent $10 at Starbucks or Mcdonald's, The same ten dollars can be used to help save the life of a child or their entire family. Thanks for sharing and thanks for caring
Love you all and I will see you soon


The following is a letter I received via email....

Dear Diva,

Cusco is declared a zone of emergency

The past three days in Cusco have been tense and tragic for both stranded tourists around Machu Picchu and townsfolk left homeless due to continued rains. Ten people have died as of Wednesday afternoon, including an Argentine tourist and her guide on the Inca trail. Hundreds of tourists are stuck in Aguas Caliente, the town outside of Machu Picchu. Read a compilation of important and breaking news by Keep informed by visiting our news, our Facebook page or our Twitter account.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Progress Report update

A list of a few of my accomplishments from ¨My International Mission to Peru¨

1. Masterfully traversed the language barrier and promoted English awareness by implementing alternative learning strategies; including art education and games.
2. Utilized heritage awareness and cultural pride exercises to create a learning exchange of languages and traditions.
3. Created a jovial and immersive learning environment as an alternative to the existing rote and rigid paradigm of Peruvian public schools.
4. Imbued and earned trust via mutual respect, honesty, acceptance and tolerance.
5. Engendered self-awareness, positivity, expression and love with active lessons in storytelling, listening, games and song. Example, I can see clearly and "El sueño imposible." (The Impossible Dream.)
6. Introduced the value of creative visualization, belief in oneself, and holding onto dreams. Example, the Wall of Dreams project, entitled "Nunca renuncies tus sueños." (Never give up on your dreams.)
7. Negotiated to bring a free Equestrian Therapy program to the children.
8. Encouraged the kids to write a history of their lives from beginning to end,
How it has been from their earliest memories and how they see it through to their adult life, using creative visualizations

Friday, January 22, 2010

Sneek peek of the wall mural artwork

These kids have a wonderful talent for art

The Psychology of learning by use of games

I began familiarizing the kids with Left/right hand and foot, by teaching them the Hokey Pokey dance, now they are using a game I brought them called "Twister"(I'm sure most of you remember this game from your own childhood)They are able to have a total recall of their colors and distinguish which is right/left hand and foot. The other kids are using hula hoops to recite their numbers in english. We also use jump ropes for number counting

Memory Review

Here I'm working with the younger kids. They really are enjoying learning the english vocabulary. I'm giving them a quick memory review of the english words we've studied before, by use of dual language flash cards purchased in the United States, Because these are not items that can be easily found here in Peru. The educational system for these kids are so inadequate that it's really sad. But because of your generosities, these kids are being exposed to a new way of learning not provided in the school systems here. I thank you and the kids thank you!

Hey Hey The Gang's All Here!

Well it's not quite the whole gang, but it's most of them. We're taking a break from working on the wall mural. The sun got a little bright, So we decided to make the best of it and have a little kodak moment

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Your Donations at Work!

The kids normally walk everywhere no matter how far, even a walk to school each day is a 30-45 minute walk. Now thanks to your generous donations all the kids have bicicletas(Bicycles). You should have seen their faces, one kid wanted to sleep with his to make sure nothing ever happened to it. Nexos Voluntarias originally chose to use the money to support their Nevo social fund, that would be used to create a competition for the artisans and other projects in the area, But anybody that knows me, Know that I raised the roof, I said "Hell to the No" I told them that was quite honorable of them, but my donations were raised to help the children at Mosoq Runa
I made that clear from the beginning and I don't stutter. So after a few hem and haws, they had a board meeting, and they gave in to making sure the money was given over to Mosoq Runa for the kids. Yay!! I've been told that no one has ever questioned their decisions as to how the donated money should be spent, That's just because they had never encountered "The Diva", I am totally 100% all about the kids.
I will write an expose' about Nexos in a "coming soon" Blog. so stay tuned. and please continue to send in your donations, I will personally make sure that it is the kids that benefit from your generosities. Go to paypal- ""

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Wall Of Dreams

In addition to teaching English to the kids of Mosaq Runa, one of the most important of things that I have attempted to do with the kids at Mosoq Runa is to encourage them to believe in themselves and to dream bigger dreams and never give up on those dreams. So I initiated a project to paint a wall mural inside their courtyard as a reminder to them to always follow their dreams. This project is aptly named "Nunca Renuncies tus a Sueno".... "Never Give up on your Dreams!

As you can see from the picture, this dream team is hard at work and totally committed to seeing their project through to completion...So stay tuned for the finished masterpiece!

Monday, January 18, 2010

El Sueno Imposible - (The Impossible Dream)

Everyone has a dream at some point or another in their life, It maybe as simple as wanting a new pair of shoes, or it may be something that seems so far from our reach, that we deem it impossible. Well I have come to know that it's all about perspective.
If you are possible, so is everything else. Now look at the word "IMPOSSIBLE" again, but this time from a different perspective..
IM Possible...I am Possible!! and since you are possible, so are your dreams. You start by believing in you and the higher power that gave you the value of being. We are not Humans having a spiritual experience, We are spirit having a human experience.

According to the laws of the Universe, That which you believe is possible, is indeed possible. Just in the same way that when you plant a seed in the ground, It never occurs to you that it will not grow, even though it is beneath the dirt and there is no evidence of growth, you keep watering it, and keep believing it will one day sprout and blossom, and because you do, It does. So it is with our dreams. Keep dreaming the Impossible dream to be possible and it will. Wake up everyday expecting the miracle of your dreams to become possible, keep watering it with belief, excitement and expectation and watch it sprout and blossom into a joyous reality. I love you and keep dreaming!!
P.s Don't worry about the "how" or the "when"
In fact don't worry at all, just believe!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

What we Take for Granted

I'm so accustomed to drinking cold water that I never even think about it as being a big deal. Since I drink water constantly throughout the day, I like to keep my bottled water in the freezer until it's time for me to head out so that it stays cold for most of the day. When I showed up at Mosoq Runa with my half frozen water bottle, the kids were simply astonished. They each took turns shaking it to watch as the ice floated vigorously in the bottle. The would shout hielo! (which sounds a lot like "yellow") or before passing it to the next kid. They were so amazed. I was also amazed at their innocent bewilderment.

That day I found out that most of the homes in Urubamba are not equipped with refrigerant systems. Therefore, all beverages are consumed at room temperature, even at most restaurants and stores. In Urubamba, you will not see neon signs in the storefront windows displaying "Cold Beer" even on the hottest days. At that moment, the bottled water wasn't the only thing frozen. My mind became frozen and my thoughts drifted as I pondered how much we take for granted.

The majority of homes in the United States have refrigerators to keep our perishables fresh and our liquids cold. We also have heat to warm us in the winter season and water furnaces to provide us with hot water for bath and/or showers or simply just to wash our hands. For a large number of us, walking is a leisure activity or a cardio sport to keep us fit. While for most of our goings and comings, we jump in our personal vehicles to go to a store, located less than 5-10 minutes away.

Now don't misunderstand, they have different modes of transportation here... mototaxis, taxi cars, collectivotaxis(which are usually crammed to the max, not only with people, but also with animals and their lovely, fragrant aromas). Every time I've had to ride in one, it was like putting your life at jeopardy as they whirl around dangerous curves. Can you say,Where the hell are the guard rails? Driving at incredible speeds, swirling in and around other vehicles so haphazardly that you almost pee your pants. I have learned to adjust by either tightly closing my eyes or just going to sleep with a prayer on my lips.

There are some that cannot afford the 1-6 soles they charge. So they wrap their babies or whatever products they may have whether it's wood, food supplies or laundry in an Incan blanket called Mantas Incas traditionally used by indigenous Peruvians to carry their loads then they walk the mountainous miles home. Some of us will not walk to the corner if we were paid to do it (sad, but true).

Want to talk about culture shock? Here's one for the books. Imagine my most horrified Diva expression when I asked for a restroom (el bano) and was taken to an outhouse made of stones and straw. The toilet was a hole in the ground and it had no toilet paper (I've learned to carry my own…hah!), no handle to flush. Plus, the llamas kept their eyes on me the whole time. I was not sure what that was about but I did my business and got the hell (is that pronounced "yell" in Spanish?) up out of there, LOL!!

We have definitely become a society of overabundance, gluttony and ingratitude. Oh how we take things for granted! I, too, am guilty of the above charges. I pray that these experiences will not only make me more aware of my excesses and tendency to mistake my wants for needs, but also allow me to become a more grateful, non-glutinous person that no longer takes my life and everything in it for granted. I love you all and take heed!!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Sillustani:The Andean Taj Mahal
Sillustani is an ancient burial ground near lake Titikaka. The tombs are built above the ground,
and with deep symbolism. The ancient people in Peru believed in a mother earth that created and
regulated life. When a person died, they were mummified in the fetal position, just like they came into the
world. The doors of the tombs face east, because that is where the Sun is born from the mother earth
every day.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

What is Enough?

Is there such a thing as enough? The dictionary defines the word enough as follows:

e⋅nough  /ɪˈnʌf/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [i-nuhf]
1. adequate for the want or need; sufficient for the purpose or to satisfy desire:

2. an adequate quantity or number; sufficiency.

adverb 3. in a quantity or degree that answers a purpose or satisfies a need or desire; sufficiently.

4. fully or quite: ready enough.

So with those particular definitions in mind is there anything that is enough?

Is there ever enough love? I've met people who were loved and admired greatly, yet seemed totally oblivious or unappreciative to the affection shown to them. There are also those that are constantly showered with love and attention and still feel that it is inadequate.

Does anyone ever feel they have enough money? There are some that have riches, others only dream about, yet are consumed only with the desire to make more.

What of those that have been afforded almost every opportunity in life, yet dwell in the misery of what is not afforded.

There are also those that delight in the trivia of collecting things for the sake of ownership and possession, without regard to the fact that possession is only a figment of one's own imagination. For we bought nothing into this world and I have heard that we most certainly take nothing out.

I remember my daughter sharing with me a major premise, that all human beings operate either through the process of love or fear. I pondered that for awhile to find the truth in it because what is true for me always resonates within me.

I realized that I existed in my early years in absolute fear. Fear of not being loved, not being accepted, not being good enough, fear of being judged unfairly, fear of not having anything worthwhile to say, do or be, fear of not being pretty enough or fine enough, fear of being misused and abused..... again!

I discovered that everything that I feared, appeared. So I have decided enough is enough!

Because my spirit is akin to the Hummingbird that drinks the nectar of everything fragrant and beautiful. Therefore, I have created a flower where each petal represents all things I find joy in and I will drink from the nectar of that enjoyment as I flit through the fragrant beauty of all that life has to offer.

I have chosen to operate only through the process of love. Whether or not it is enough for you, it will certainly be enough for me. Let me repeat.....I choose "LOVE" and that is all the enough I need.

You Can't keep a Good Woman Down!

This is me, just before getting discharged from the hospital today.
Thank you for all of your well wishes and prayers. The doctor told me that if I allowed myself to rest for three or four days, and follow his instructions,that I should be able to continue my mission without any hindrances. I'll do just that, because I've come to far to turn around, Plus you can't keep a good woman down!!!
and you know this!!! (smile) Love you and thanks for keeping up with my journey