Monday, January 18, 2010

El Sueno Imposible - (The Impossible Dream)

Everyone has a dream at some point or another in their life, It maybe as simple as wanting a new pair of shoes, or it may be something that seems so far from our reach, that we deem it impossible. Well I have come to know that it's all about perspective.
If you are possible, so is everything else. Now look at the word "IMPOSSIBLE" again, but this time from a different perspective..
IM Possible...I am Possible!! and since you are possible, so are your dreams. You start by believing in you and the higher power that gave you the value of being. We are not Humans having a spiritual experience, We are spirit having a human experience.

According to the laws of the Universe, That which you believe is possible, is indeed possible. Just in the same way that when you plant a seed in the ground, It never occurs to you that it will not grow, even though it is beneath the dirt and there is no evidence of growth, you keep watering it, and keep believing it will one day sprout and blossom, and because you do, It does. So it is with our dreams. Keep dreaming the Impossible dream to be possible and it will. Wake up everyday expecting the miracle of your dreams to become possible, keep watering it with belief, excitement and expectation and watch it sprout and blossom into a joyous reality. I love you and keep dreaming!!
P.s Don't worry about the "how" or the "when"
In fact don't worry at all, just believe!

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