Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Last night in Peru

I´m trying to play catch up,so that I can update you on what has been happening in the last few days. I was safely refuged at a wonderful place called Amaru Hostel 1
at Cuesta San Blas in Cusco. It was very strange, still being in Peru and not having the opportunity to work with the kids, So I decided to create that opportunity by going back into Urubamba to check on Ada and the children. I purchased some food items, which of course included ¨Chocolatey¨ which they love. Most of the kids were not there, But I had a lovely lunch and visit with Ada, We talked awhile about the kids and what had been accomplished by my visit and what we would like to see happen to continue the work that had begun. It is very difficult to have to leave them, after making such progress in our trust and communication process. But I had given them one final assignment and that was to write their autobiography of how life has been for them so far and what they would like to see happen in their future. This was mainly for the adolescence, since they are the ones nearest to reaching certain crosswords in their lives. I gathered the books and have set an intention to translate it for my understanding then I will compile it into chapbooks for their benefit, So that they will have physical evidence of their dreams, helping to keep them fresh in their heads and hopely in the forefront of their minds enabling them to hold on to them ever more tightly and Nunca renuncies tus sueño!!
Because one thing I know for certain is dreams do come true, I´m living proof, because I just lived one of mine, the first step is having one, the second, is believing in it with all of your being, the next is never giving up on it.

It´s hard to believe that I´m leaving this place that has come to feel more like home than home. But I too will hold tightly to my dreams of returning and continuing to be a light that helps to shine their way onward and upward to the place where all dreams become reality. Tonight is a starless night here in Lima and it feels a bit lonely like being in between two very different worlds, but the memories of the magically wonderful times with the kids at Mosoq Runa will always shine bright in my heart. Now I´m pumped up with a new excitement, in less than 24 hours I will be staring in the eyes of the two brightest stars in my life, My daughter, Toria and My grandson, Julian Amari and his YaYa can´t wait, because it is all love and that's all that truly matters in this world
Chao for now!

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