Saturday, December 26, 2009

Let´s get real

I know deep in my heart that I am here for the kids. However, I realize that there is a another part of me that knows I am here for me too. While resting after setting up the diagrams for our wall mural, the young kids gathered all around me and I feel so loved and appreciated that my heart could burst with joy. I've done a lot of things for a lot of people and I've never felt as appreciated as I do right now sitting here. These kids have experienced so much pain in their lives yet they still manage to find something to smile about.

Think about how blessed you are and still can't muster up a positive word to say or just a simple smile of gratitude. Here are 10 things that I am grateful for right now:

1. My mother just celebrated her 78th birthday and is still wearing her bodacious outfits and fancy heels (although she did confess that she kicks off those shoes as soon as she gets in her car) LOL!! That´s my Mama, an old school Diva!

2. I have the most loving, supportive, generous daughter, who's got my back no matter what... that's called unconditional love. If you don't think she has my back, do something wrong to her Mama (LOL). I was so busy teaching her to spread her wings and soar that I forgot I had wings of my own until she reminded me. For that, I will be forever grateful to her.

3. I have son-in law that I would gladly call my son

4. That the Universe blessed me with the most loving, intelligent, kissable, little grandson in the whole wide world, who affectionately calls me his "YaYa"

5. I am grateful for friends that know the true meaning of friendship and what it means to be a friend indeed… you know who are. I know the ones that can say the word friend, but when the time comes can't remember how to spell it… and you know who you are.

6. I'm also grateful for those so-called friends because they too have their place in the great scheme of life. They help me gauge and recognize true friendship.

7. I am grateful for a Universal God that allows me to be co-creator of my own reality

8. I am grateful to know that I can do, be and have anything I desire as long as I believe I can

9. I am grateful for surviving sexual child abuse. I have taken that pain and have experienced such spiritual growth through my personal determination to realize my value. I now have a passion to teach others to deal with the pain from their own abuses and to help them realize their value - a value so great that no sick mind can deter them from the greatness for which they are destined.

10. Last, but definitely not least, I am grateful for actualizing a long time dream of coming to Peru. I am grateful that I am able to support and give love to children that not only need love, but also humbly accept it. Bonus: I am also grateful for those that have been instrumental in helping me see this dream come to fruition. A special thanks to Donna Curling, Toria Frederick, Tony Tapia and Ladonna Coward ...

If you hadn't cared enough, this would not have happened in the wonderful way that it did. Thank you from the sincerest part of my being.

What ten things are you grateful for?

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