Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Better of Me

I look like death warmed over in this picture, huh. Why, you might ask. What happened to the vibrant, energetic, jovial woman that you have become accustomed to seeing in the other photos? The one that is always so full of smiles and filled with joy? The dynamic force you know me to be.

Well, I was warned about the possibility of getting an intestinal virus, accompanied by the never welcome and dreaded diarrhea. So, I brought Imodium multi-symptom relief capsules and even a prescribed bottle of 500mg Ciprofloxaci used specifically for diarrhea. I was told that the sun here doesn't just tan you but it will burn you. So I brought not one but two bottles of Coppertone ultraguard 70+ broad spectrum UVA/UVB sunscreen lotion. I still managed to look like a full eclipse. I was told about the possibility of malaria infection. So I had all of my vaccination shots and brought along a very expensive prescription bottle of Malarone (compliments of my extraordinary sponsor). I was told that this was the wet season and it can hit about 50 degrees at night. So I brought Nyquil cold & flu Liquicaps, plus Benadryl Allergy and Cold Medicine. Then I was warned about the possibility of mosquito infection. So I brought a total of 9 bottles of the best repellant that can be used on your body and clothing. Since I had been diagnosed with both high blood pressure and diabetes, I made sure I bought three months’ supply of HBP meds and insulin. Plus, I bought the required number of flexpens and hypodermic needles AND a signed letter from my Endocrinologist giving me permission to have this medication in my possession. Additionally, I brought alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, Band-Aids, hand sanitizer and ready flush personal cleansing wipes for the times when toilet paper wouldn't be available (which happens quite often).

I thought I was prepared as a Girl Scout troop leader. But apparently I was not prepared enough. You see, here at the Nexos volunteer home there is no form of heat - not from a heater, fireplace or even a boiling pot of water. Since the doors and windows are constantly left open, cold creeps and settles into the house. Plus every crawling, flying or buzzing life form known to man has a daily open invitation. The floors are wooden with no carpet, so even with socks on you feel as if you're standing on the ground outside.

I have begun coughing so violently and constantly that I'm feeling as though I have been reduced to buying....How do you say "Depends" in Spanish? My head feels as if someone has taken the garden hose and filled it with "agua" (that's Spanish for water...see those Spanish lessons are really working! LMAO in between coughs...ouch).

So I have evidently contracted some viral pathogen that has the ability to read the ingredients and instructions on every medicine bottle I own and have conspired to develop ways to take me down with the first, second and third punch. Even after overdosing on all my FDA approved meds, I'm still down after the count of 10.

The emotional and physical stress of it all is having an adverse effect on my blood glucose levels. So I'm throwing in the towel and heading for Cuzco tomorrow morning to find a doctor that didn't get his certification and license off of the Internet. As another volunteer friend, Ian, would say, "Welcome to Peru" LOL!!

But just know I might be down, but I'm definitely not out. It's not over until I sing…LOL... (Achoo…cough,cough) Keep me in your prayers!

1 comment:

  1. Diva, what a post! I know you will find a doctor that can cure you of your ailments! I will also pray for you. I commend you for what you are doing. Feel better soon!
